What mental health resources exist for domestic survivors?
There are resources and ways for domestic violence survivors to promote mental health wellness. Women’s Advocates recommends the following:
- Create an emotional safety plan
- Develop a self-care plan
- Explore survivor’s strengths
- Learn more about setting personal boundaries
- Try out various simple mindfulness exercises
- Seek professional mental health support
If you are immediate danger, please call 911 or reach out to organizations committed to getting persons experiencing domestic violence to a place of safety. Please refer to "What resources exist for domestic violence victims?"
Other resources:
- Current Evidence: Intimate Partner Violence, Trauma-Related Mental Health Conditions & Chronic Illness (National Center on Domestic Violence, Trauma & Mental Health)
- Mental Health Consequences and Risk Factors of Physical Intimate Partner Violence (Mental Health in Family Medicine Journal)
- A Systematic Review of Trauma-Focused Intervention for Domestic Violence Survivors