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Guide for Senior Citizens
Get trustworthy information on how to protect yourself and your loved ones from COVID-19
Frequently asked questions
I am an at-risk senior. What delivery programs are available to me?
What are the senior hours for my local stores?
How do I know when I need to call 911?
[EN-L004-S001] What is COVID-19?
How long does it take for COVID-19 symptoms to appear?
How does COVID-19 spread?
Can I get COVID-19 from children and adolescents?
What pre-existing conditions are considered at-risk for COVID-19?
What COVID-19 symptoms appear first?
[EN-L004-S002] How to stay safe
I am an at-risk senior. What delivery programs are available to me?
What are the senior hours for my local stores?
What is social distancing?
I'm considered at-risk for COVID-19. How can I visit my loved ones in a safe way?
I have a weakened immune system. How can I protect myself from COVID-19?
How can I clean my home to prevent the spread of COVID-19?
How should I wash my hands to prevent getting COVID-19?
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[EN-L004-S003] Seeking medical advice
Can I go to my eye doctor or dentist, and get elective procedures?
How do I know when I need to call 911?
[EN-L004-S004] Is this true?
Is sunlight an effective method for disinfecting objects like letters and packages?
Are masks really effective in preventing the spread of COVID-19?
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