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Learn more about COVID-19, how to stay safe, testing, and common misconceptions
Frequently asked questions
How do I know that the COVID-19 vaccines are safe?
Where can I get a flu shot in LA County?
I tested positive for COVID-19. Does it still help to get a flu shot?
My child has symptoms consistent with COVID-19. How can I take care of them while staying safe?
What supplements are good to help my immune system?
I am a new parent and I have contracted Covid-19. What do I need to know?
What do I need to know about getting my children a flu vaccine in preparation for flu season?
What is the difference between Influenza (Flu) and COVID-19?
I am undocumented. How do I get tested for COVID-19?
How can I volunteer for clinical studies related to COVID-19?
If I had COVID-19, is it possible to be infected again?
Should I get a flu vaccine this season? How is it different from COVID-19?
When I wear a mask, I could breathe in carbon dioxide and won't receive enough oxygen. Is this true?
What are my rights as a patient?
If I drink lots of water, will it flush out the COVID-19 virus from my body?
Does drinking ginger tea with honey or lemon prevent COVID-19?
Should I mega-dose on Vitamin C to prevent COVID-19?
Is it true that I can protect myself from COVID-19 by injecting or swallowing bleach, disinfectants, or rubbing alcohol?
Can eating garlic prevent or cure COVID-19?
I tested positive for COVID-19. What should I do?
What COVID-19 symptoms appear first?
At what point should somebody call 911?
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[EN-L012-S001] COVID-19 Vaccine
What is a booster vaccine, why is it needed, who's eligible, and how does it work?
Myocarditis and Pericarditis following COVID-19 Vaccination
If someone receives the vaccine, can they still be a carrier?
How do I know that the COVID-19 vaccines are safe?
[EN-L012-S001] What is COVID-19
Should I Worry About Vaccines Being For 'Emergency Use Only'? Experts Say No
What COVID-19 vaccines are available in the Philippines, and how are they each different?
What do scientists say about vaccinating children against COVID-19?
Does COVID-19 impact young people?
What do we know about pregnancy and COVID-19?
What is the difference between Influenza (Flu) and COVID-19?
If I had COVID-19, is it possible to be infected again?
What COVID-19 symptoms appear first?
What is contact tracing?
What are the long term effects of COVID-19 on my health?
How long does it take for COVID-19 symptoms to appear?
How does COVID-19 spread?
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[EN-L012-S002] Prevention
What supplements are good to help my immune system?
I am a new parent and I have contracted Covid-19. What do I need to know?
What do I need to know about getting my children a flu vaccine in preparation for flu season?
Should I get a flu vaccine this season? How is it different from COVID-19?
I tested positive for COVID-19. How can I protect others from getting infected?
What is social distancing?
Can I get COVID-19 from children and adolescents?
How can I prevent the spread of COVID-19 in my multigenerational household?
What is the best type of face mask to use?
What are the best disinfectants to clean at home?
What is the best way to wash my hands?
How do I use a face mask?
What is the best way to not get infected by COVID-19?
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[EN-L012-S003] Testing
My child has symptoms consistent with COVID-19. How can I take care of them while staying safe?
I am undocumented. How do I get tested for COVID-19?
Should I get an antibody test?
Where can I get a COVID-19 test?
Who should get tested for COVID-19?
How long does it take to get my COVID-19 test result?
[EN-L012-S004] Medical Assistance
Where can I get a flu shot in LA County?
What are my rights as a patient?
I tested positive for COVID-19. What should I do?
At what point should somebody call 911?
[EN-L012-S005] Treatment
I tested positive for COVID-19. Does it still help to get a flu shot?
How can I volunteer for clinical studies related to COVID-19?
How do I know when my quarantine period ends?
How long do I need to isolate at home if I have COVID-19?
How can undocumented persons get COVID-19 treatment?
How are people who have COVID-19 treated while in isolation?
What do I do if I think I may have been exposed to COVID-19?
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[EN-L012-S006] Myths and Facts
When I wear a mask, I could breathe in carbon dioxide and won't receive enough oxygen. Is this true?
If I drink lots of water, will it flush out the COVID-19 virus from my body?
Does drinking ginger tea with honey or lemon prevent COVID-19?
Should I mega-dose on Vitamin C to prevent COVID-19?
Is it true that I can protect myself from COVID-19 by injecting or swallowing bleach, disinfectants, or rubbing alcohol?
Can eating garlic prevent or cure COVID-19?
Is sunlight an effective method for disinfecting objects like letters and packages?
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